Every year i will celebrate my birthday only with my family members and few closed friends. but this year ada perubahan skit. my lovely students organized a surprised birthday party for me. actually the birthday party was planned for another DPM's lecturer, Pn Ju. and when i joined KTT, dorang dpt tau that im sharing the date with pn. Ju. They wanted to surprised kak Ju but since im here now in KTT they had to change the plan. Instead of one, the had to celebrate for 2 peoples. haha nyebok je aku ni kan. ;-
i wasnt expected that the party is for me too... i did join the discussion.. huhu so kiranya aku tau la plan dorg. tp rupanya ada jugak agenda tersembunyi utk aku ;-p so on that day i joined them to accomplish the mission. haha. but few minutes later, aku plak disurprisedkan. hahaha i was so overhelmed by the surprised. seriously i am soo soo surprised. totally speechless. gegar kepala lutut wa. haha. thank you soooo much for the party and also the presents. first time in my life aku dpt byk hadiah. (6-7 tu kira bykla bagi aku haha). x kisah how much it cost, to me its priceless... thanks again to all my DPM's students.
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