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Saturday, May 17, 2008


sabtu : 18 mei 2008

jln2 kt midvalley utk menghabiskan duit.huhu
gi kt jusco and jupe satu barang yg sgt comel dan menarik.
tp yg lebih menarik adalah tulisan yg ada di brg itu...

" Love is patient, Love is kind, Love endures all things"

Fadhlina (",)

Bella oh Bella..

x best!
that was my first impression masa episod awal2.
dan langsung x follow.

tp lately aku tengok mak aku bersemangat follow bella.
asal balik keja, kecoh nak tgk bella. ayat dia hari2 bila smpi umah "eh mak nak sembahyang ni. jap lagi nak tengok bella."
dek kerana keterujaan emak ku itulah mendorong aku utk join sama.
best sgt ke? itu ler yg bermain kt otak aku.
then baru aku terperasan yang bella ni da ujung2 agak syiok jugakla.
akhirnya kerana pengaruh mak aku ni, aku pun da addict!

this month shif hbs kol 6.30pm
so kena rush back utk kejar bella. huhu
setiap hr aku hanya berkesempatan tengok bella setengah jam je.
smpi kondo kelam kbt msk umah and join my housemate tgk bella :-p

and part yg plg x best sekali bila tiba last episod, shif hbs kol 7pm!!
sakit hati giler! sure sgt kalau merempit pun smpi umah 7.30pm.
redha jelaaaa...
yg plg aku nk tergelak dgr,mak aku siap lepak umah kwn dia sbb tkt x smpt smpi umah
nak tgk bella. ms tu dia otw back ke kl dr segamat. aku call umah, adik aku ckp mak aku kt bangi tengok bella. muahahaha! itulah penangan bella!

but anyway bella mmg best.
thanks to tv3 sbb sediakan online show utk aku tgk blk last episod yg aku terlepas tu.
tu pun thanks to my friend yg bg tau aku psl online show ni. dia pun tiap mlm tgk bella online sbb x smpt tgk ptg.
and bkn citer je best... lagu time ending pun best.
serius sape2 yg byk buat jahat tu dgr2 la lagu kumpulan indonesia nie. mau insaf tau! :-p
kumpulan opick tjk lagu Taubat & bila waktu telah berakhir
leh dgr lg2 dia kt

Saturday, May 10, 2008


sejak keje kat vads ni social life jd tungang langang!
aku cuti orang keje, orang cuti aku keja.
luckily this month off day jatuh pada setiap ahad.

this month pun shif mmg pagi je.
hidup hr2 blk keje, lepak kt umah.
mcm pnt nk berpoya di mlm hari.
tp kdg2 mmg rasa bosan gak hidup mcm nie.

last friday, me and nazlin went for a movie..
dpt shif awl kol 7am so kje hbs 4.30pm. blk mandi, then jumpe nazlin kt jln tar.
terkezut gak la jln clear and 30min je da smpi kl.
so shopping skit kt jln tar.
pastu pi klcc tgk movie kol 9pm.
nazlin da booked citer WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS.

this is the synopsis:

Two strangers awaken together to discover they've gotten married following a night of debauchery in Sin City. . . and that one of them has won a huge jackpot after playing the other's quarter. The newlyweds devise ever-escalating schemes to undermine each other and get their hands on the money - only to find themselves falling in love amid the mutual backstabbing.

serius lawak and besh! hero pun, aduuuhhhh amat encem! sora hero pun menusuk kalbu!
:-p (aku merindui mu... ting tong! hahaha)
x rugi tengok tau. ececeh promote filem orang. hehe
at least hlg gak tensen kje.

hbs movie, msh x sedar diri lagi tuh da kol 11.15
pi merenggong kt uptown danau kota lak.
cik nazlin beli present for his mom. mother's day la plak kn.
mmm me pun x pk nak beli pe lg ms tu.
tengok brg kt uptown tu pun mcm da kelabu asap.
penat siut non stop dr 7am smpi 12am!

smpi umah dlm 12.45am
ingat kot nak online sat tgk email jap.
tp mata da xleh bukak da.
dengan selamatnya aku lena... zzzz
mimpi bersama ashton! ~huhu~


last tuesday i had an appointment with hukm. so that day i kena puasa sbb nak amik darah.
i decided not to take MC. banyak benor da mc aku amik. sok2 kena terminate plak. uhuhuhu
cukupla aku amik time slip jer. so i came to hukm as early as i can. 7.45am da ada kt sana sbb 8am da bole cucuk jarum.

after the first session, nurse suh aku minum air glukosa then kena wait for 2 hours for 2nd session.bila aku telan je air tu, serius muka aku kelat giler! manis giler maut. terkulat2 aku nak hbskn. sib baik berjaya gak. then nurse ckp msh kena puasa lagi. hanya bole minum air kosong.
gi cafe nak beli mineral, tgk makanan sungguh menyelerakan smpi merembes2 air liur aku!
so aku berazam pas 2nd session aku nak menibai kt cafe. hehehe.

10am aku jupe blk nurse tuh. korang tau x dia pi cucuk blk kt tmpt pertama dia cucuk aku. sakit siut! then aku bg tau nak time slip. aku ckp leh x letak time tu lama skit. ( kalau korg nak tau, lunch aku 1pm. so aku berangan nak masuk kje blk kol 2pm.hehehe)
tapi hampes tul nurse tu. ada ke dia kata dia cuma bole bg aku smpi 10.30 je. and korang tau x time tu da kol bpe? 10.10 tau! within 20mins aku nak smpi damansara dari hukm! giler ape! dgn pns hati aku blah dr hukm. musnah impian aku nak menibai kat cafe.
aku pun ape lagi. kl drift la. hahahaha. merempit ke damansara.
sampai ofis dan 11.15 terus jumpe team leader aku. nasib baik dia baik.dia suh aku isi borg. then aku pun dengan toya nya msk kje kol 12. hehehe.

bila aku tanya kwn2 aku rata2 ckp yg dorg slalu dpt time slip smpi lunch hour. hampes tul hukm nie. tak berperikemanusian pada insan2 yang berhati mulia nie. hehehe.
xpela.. apa pun lunch hour tu aku menibai gak kt cafe ofis :-)

Monday, May 5, 2008

my first time...

monday : 5th may : 10.49pm

im gonna start my new blog now.
Previously i used to write in my friendster' blog but because i was too busy with my life so the last time i wrote was in marc 2008..actually not so busy..hehehe. i dont have internet access in damansara. malas beb nak pi cc. online only when im at my parents house in ampang. so because of the limited time to access the internet la malas nak active writing the blog.

working with streamyx but dont have internet access!! klakar kan. mmmmm..
tu la padahnya bila dapat company kedekut. they not giving us free account! only can get staff monthly rate. still have to pay la walaupun dorg da kaya raya. x nak berbudi langsung pada staff mereka yang berdedikasi ni.. ( yeke?? hehehe)

today's story :

mmmm... disebabkan aku da kebosanan tahap cipan, so biarla aku bercerita. hehehe
actually today is my off day. but as usual, off day will be my boring day because everybody is working! yala today is monday not sunday dear! huhu.. this morning i went back to damansara because i need to get all the hukm form. sok ada appointment hukm. nak amik darah! huhu..
then 12pm baru ingat nak pi meronda, tetiba dapat called from my mom. dia nak blk kje awal sbb x sht. tu la degil.aku ckp da dpt mc 2 hr tu rehat2 je la kt umah. nak gak pi ofis.
so amik mak kt ofis then blk. da smpi umah tetiba rasa malas plak nak kuar meronda. mata pun da tinggal separuh je... blk tido. petang bangun tengok bella. hehehe. so apa hasil aku hari ni??
xde hasil pun. sungguh bosan hidup aku ni kn.... tula.. life is complicated.....

da la.. enough for today. mata pun da miong tgk screen dr td.

will be continue.......

